SUPERCOnductivity Multimedia Educational Tool Phase 2

Building on the results of the SUPERCOMET project, the SUPERCOMET 2 project ran from November 2004 until November 2007. Financial support of €405 000 through the Leonardo da Vinci programme phase II of the European Union amounted to 75% of the project’s total budget of approximately € 540 000. The project code is N/04/B/PP/165.008.

The Challenge

According to the Physics On Stage conference at CERN, Geneva in November 2000, there is a crisis in physics education, and a need for revitalization of physics teaching. This view has been supported by numerous other conferences in the later years. Simultaneously, there is a lack of recruitment and large numbers of physics teachers that will soon end their active careers. This affects the potential for technology progress and the development of society.

Short description

The aim of the SUPERCOMET 2 project was to contribute to changing this unfortunate trend through providing educational materials that are challenging, interesting and fun for both pupils and teachers. SUPERCOMET 2 targeted on-the-job training of physics teachers by offering a toolkit for inspiring and encouraging pupils to learn exciting physics in a non-traditional fashion.

Combining modern pedagogical methods (collaborative learning and student-centered problem solving) with computer animations and hands-on experiments in a blended approach, the SUPERCOMET 2 project aimed to connect the intriguing phenomenon of superconductivity with the curricula subjects of upper secondary schools in several countries. The accompanying teacher guide and teacher training seminar ensure that the project deliverables are successfully implemented.

Leonardo da Vinci

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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