Strona główna / MOSEM / News


Current status

The project has been launched well and the partners are now working hard to reach the project objectives within the short time frames given by the project timeline. More news and contents will be published here during the course of the project.


The Kick-Off conference was successfully held in Torun, Poland 24 and 25 January, immediately followed by a workshop on the minds-on its related to electromagnetism. The partners in that workgroup are now working to prepare the first prototypes to be evaluated by the partners before producing the second version of the prototypes for testing in the partnership.

Orsay/Paris, France is the venue for the upcoming workshop on the minds-on kits on superconductivity, which will be held 28-29 February. On 26-28 April the partners will gather in Antwerp, Belgium for a workshop on the teacher seminars related to the new materials, and this workshop will also be used for summarizing the preliminary evaluation of the first prototypes and verifying the contents of the two versions of the minds-on kits before production starts.


Meanwhile, other partners are busy preparing the support materials consisting of a printed teacher guide, videos of each experiment and also videos connecting with the animations of the online learning modules, as well as classroom posters related to superconductivity. During the fall of 2008 the partners will begin testing and evaluation, and valorisation partners will disseminate the preliminary project results in the respective countries, drawing on national reference groups recruited from peer institutions, professional organisations and public administrations similar to those already recruited as valorisation partners.