Leonardo da Vinci

These projects have been
funded with support from
the European Commission.

This web site reflects the
views only of the author(s),
and the Commission cannot
be held responsible for any
use which may be made of
the information contained


Upcoming events

More about the projects:

Project hierarchy

2008-2010: MOSEM²
2007-2010: MOSEM
2004-2007: SUPERCOMET 2
2001-2004: SUPERCOMET
1998-2001: Superlab


Online materials



The MOSEM² project (2008-2010)

MOdelling and data acquisition for continuing vocational training of upper secondary school physics teachers in pupil-active learning of Superconductivity and ElectroMagnetism based on Minds-On Simple ExperiMents

Project funding of € 300 000 €, 100% of the requested amount, was announced by the Norwegian Leonardo da Vinci National Agency in August 2008. This marks the fifth consecutive successful project application out of five written by Simplicatus, and it is the third of those applications where Simplicatus has been the project promoter. The first two applications were promoted by NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.

The Kick-Off conference is planned for Amsterdam, Netherlands and will most likely be held at the beginning of December.


The MOSEM project (2007-2010)

Minds-On experimental equipment kits in Superconductivity and ElectroMagnetism for the continuing vocational training of upper secondary school physics teachers

The MOSEM project offers participating schools and teachers a collection of simple, thought-provoking tabletop physics experiments. Electronic and printed support materials use text, videos and animations to raise the user’s curiosity. Investigating the encountered phenomenon and doing own research with the provided materials and other sources improves motivation and learning. The project builds on many previous Leonardo and other EU projects, most notably the SUPERCOMET 2 project.


The SUPERCOMET 2 project (2004-2007)

SUPERCOnductivity Multimedia Educational Tool Phase 2

The aim of the SUPERCOMET 2 project was to contribute to changing this unfortunate trend through providing educational materials that are challenging, interesting and fun for both pupils and teachers. SUPERCOMET 2 targeted on-the-job training of physics teachers by offering a toolkit for inspiring and encouraging pupils to learn exciting physics in a non-traditional fashion.


MOSEM project status

Read the latest news about the
development in the MOSEM project.

MOSEM downloads


SUPERCOMET 2 results

Read more about the outcomes
of the SUPERCOMET 2 project.

SUPERCOMET 2 downloads


Online e-modules

Try the online learning application!



Website editor: Simplicatus AS, the organizer (Contractor and/or Coordinator) of the Leonardo da Vinci projects presented herein. Partner descriptions are written by each partner themselves. Simplicatus also cannot assume responsibility for translations into the partner languages.

For technical questions please contact the project webmaster: webmaster [AT] mosem.no

For editorial questions please contact the project management: project [AT] mosem.no